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public servant 公仆,公務員;從事公用事業的個人[團體]。

public speaking

An analysis of public servants ' liability for government recovery in administrative compensation 淺析行政追償的成立要件

A systematic analysis of the examination system for recruiting public servant in china 公務員考試錄用制度現狀的系統分析

On the perspective and measures of e - training in the field of public servant training 培訓在公務員培訓中的前景與策略

A study on the management ideology and strategic mix in the public servants ' training 公務員培訓管理理念及戰略組合研究

Comparative studies on the imperial examination system and the public servant system 科舉制度與公務員制度的比較研究

For the past thirty years , he has been a hard - working public servant 過去的三十年來,他一直是個努力工作的公仆。

Public servant regulations 公務員法規公務員條例

- was that councilman helpful ? - oh , yeah . a real public servant -那個議員有幫助嗎? -哦,是的,真正的人民公仆

Was that councilman helpful ? - oh , yeah . a real public servant 那個議員有幫助嗎? -哦,是的,真正的人民公仆

Functional obstruction of performance examination system for public servants 論公務員績效考核制度的功能性障礙

A public servant is supposed to serve people without having itchy palms 一位公仆應該為人民服務而非貪財如命。

When he or she accepts a government appointment and becomes a public servant 接受政府的委任而出任公務人員;

Administration conscionsness and building high quality public servant troops 行政意識與高素質公務員隊伍建設

Increasing public servants “ salaries 提高公務員工資

The definition of public servant includes mainland public servants 公務人員的定義包括內地公務人員。

Section 6 : public servants article 99 第六節:公務人員

Probing into the public servants business - related consumption in monetary terms 公務員職務消費貨幣化探析

Improve the system of public servants 健全公務員制度。

Centering questions on training for the public servant ' s entering office 以問題為中心開展公務員任職培訓